传奇时装摄影大师 Peter Lindbergh 享年 74 岁逝世

发布时间 2019年09月05日 14:53    编辑:fashion    来源:本站 资讯 » 品牌头条 » 原创

对时装根深柢固的,或许会认识 Peter Lindbergh 这位时装摄影师,擅于拍摄黑白风格照片,以现实主义为中心,可惜他在昨日享年 74 岁逝世,其 Instagram 上便发布一张黑白照片宣布消息,并留下一句「He leaves a big void.」。这位在 70 年代成名的摄影师,在巴黎受到时装界重用,先后在《Vouge》、《Harper’s Bazaar 》、《Rolling Stone Magazine》都有工作过,1990 年的英国版《Vouge》封面便是他的一大作品,照片集结当时五位后来成位超模的人包括 Cindy Crawford、Naomi Campbell、Tatjana Patitz、Christy Turlington 及 Linda Evangelista,同时奠定了 Peter Lindbergh 的大师地位,而最近一次的作品便是刚刚的《Vouge》9 月号。对于 Peter Lindbergh 的离世绝对是摄影界的一大震撼,但他的作品亦为摄影界留下丰富遗产。Rest In Peace!

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It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Peter Lindbergh on September 3rd 2019, at the age of 74. He is survived by his wife Petra, his first wife Astrid, his four sons Benjamin, Jérémy, Simon, Joseph and seven grandchildren. He leaves a big void.

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Heartbroken. ? R.I.P. my Peet. ?@therealpeterlindbergh ??

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Peter Lindbergh has died at the age of 74. The prolific German photographer had a long history with British Vogue, and, most recently, captured 15 cover stars for the September 2019 Forces For Change issue, which was guest edited by HRH The Duchess of Sussex. British Vogue Editor-in-Chief Edward Enninful said: "Peter Lindbergh was both a visionary photographer and a dear friend. His ability to see real beauty in people, and the world, was ceaseless, and will live on through the images he created. He will be missed by everyone who knew him, worked with him or loved one of his pictures."

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7 Era-Defining Peter Lindbergh British Vogue Covers (written by @benknightevans) – JANUARY 1990 One of the most iconic covers in British Vogue's 103-year history, the magazine's first issue of the 1990s set the tone for the decade. Coming after the big hair and overt glamour of the Eighties, its undone influence extended beyond fashion into popular culture when George Michael took Naomi, Linda, Tatjana, Christy and Cindy from their Giorgio di Sant'Angelo tops and Levi's jeans from SoHo in Manhattan to various states of undress in his legendary Freedom! '90 music video. The circle was made complete as three of the quintet of quintessential supermodels sauntered down Gianni Versace's autumn/winter 1991 catwalk lip synching to Freedom! '90, committing every contributor firmly to fashion folklore. – #LindberghStories #BritishVogue #fromthevault

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